Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Life Continues to be Filled!

After the whirlwind three weeks with the teams, it is nice to be back in my routine. School last week was wonderful, we have been working on numbers and I gave them their first quiz. One class had eleven one hundred percents (if you don't count their spelling)! I remember what a joy it is every day to be able to work with these kids and be a part of what God is doing in their lives.Whenever I am weary, God sends a little boy or girl to give me a hug or a sticker for my planner (it is covered front and back with their little gifts) and then my spirit is renewed. God has a way of coming through, you know? Not that I am surprised.
This week has gone splendidly as well, we didn't have school on Wednesday so I was able to get a run in as well have an opportunity to help a twelve-year-old girl from the church with her English. Her name is Keila and she is so sweet! Her mom came up to me at church one Sunday and asked me if I could help her daughter and I said I could try! I have been helping her with her pronunciations mostly, which I feel fairly competent at (since I should be fluent in English).
Oscar left for the United States on Sunday, so for another five days, it is only Karla, me, Emily, and Emmanuel. We miss Oscar, but life is a little more laid back with him gone. We have been watching a lot of movies! Watching movies in Spanish is actually very good for my Spanish--as long I decide to actually pay attention. When watching movies in another language, it is very easy to tune out and not understand a thing. Not the same thing as spacing out while listening to something in English.
This weekend we are headed to Sacapullas to meet Karla's month-old niece, Diana. It should be very fun (except maybe the four hour drive through ups and downs and twists and bumps; oh well) and relaxing, her family is wonderful.
I only have two weeks from tomorrow! It is the craziest how days just keep passing. All of a sudden, I am only two weeks from home! I was only just half way through, and a little bit before that I arrived here in Guatemala! That's all for now and I appreciate your prayers so much!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Another Week of God's Blessings.

What a week! The youth group that came down from Woodlands Church in Stevens Point was an awesome time! I got to serve alongside them, make a ton of new friends, practice my translating skills, and have a ton of fun! Here is what went on in a nutshell:
Friday morning (they arrived Thursday evening) we went out to El Yalú for the day. In the morning, the boys (along with we translators) cleaned up a property that Los Olivos owns there while the girls washed 140 heads of lice from the public school (fortunately, no one got it). After helping out with the feeding program (even though there weren't as many kids there due to a festival and there being no school) and held a VBS. They did crafts, games, and a bible story; I helped out with the crafts while loving on the kids (I absolutely love the kids out there).
Following a rest, that night there was a bonfire of sorts held at the soccer field for the youth of Los Olivos and the Woodlands team. It went until four in the morning! We had so much fun playing soccer and random games. Needless to say, we slept in the next day.
On Saturday we had a soccer tournament for a few hours with the youth which I actually participated in (not touching the ball, mind you, just running up and down the field) and the youth service, which Woodlands led. Saturday was also the day that three Americans from Bethel University in Minnesota who are studying abroad in La Antigua came to help us translate for the week. Anna, Maddie, and Andre were super nice and fun to be around and I loved speaking Spanish to them! It made me very happy that I had arrived in Guatemala the same time they had so I was able to understand and participate in their Spanish conversations. God's timing is perfect.
Sunday brought a great day to us: one that started at 4:00 am, that is. Los Olivos had a baptism service at a water park at the Port of San Jose, which is about two hours from Sumpango. We had to leave early, as we were only permitted to have the service prior to the opening of the park. As soon as it was finished, we had our free reign all day! Aqua Magic is right on the Pacific Ocean, so I spent most of the morning swimming in the ocean with the translators from Antigua and rest of the day playing in a pool inside the park with a few new friends from Woodlands. Everyone got sunburned that day, but on the bright side, I am more tan than I was!
Monday might be my favorite day because we got to work at the soccer field. One group worked on paving the concession area at the top, another worked to clean up the land at the bottom, and the group that I helped Anna translate for painted the walls by the playground. It was such fun work! We first painted the entire wall white and then decorated it! There are now trees, animals, flowers, bumble bees, and mountains in full color! It is so pretty to look at! We even made a tree with our hand prints and initials, so now it is forever in that wall that we painted it! I will go there and take pictures of it to post sometime; it is so pretty. We also had home visits with the Los Olivos youth that night; being the translator for my group was a good time and good practice. We ate dinner with the youth leaders from Los Olivos after the visits and I was impressed at how much the students from Woodlands were practicing their Spanish! I know how hard it was for me at first to do that.
Tuesday was the most physically demanding day of the week, with all of us climbing a mountain with the youth of the church. I was scared for my out-of-shape-ness, but surprisingly I made it with no pain! We hiked through steep hills and dense brush while taking in breathtaking views for about seven hours. The way down was more fun for me because I had some really good conversations with new Woodlands friends I had made. There was a soccer tournament scheduled for that night, but it got called off due to either another activity going on or our lack of energy; regardless of the reason, I think we felt it was the right decision.
Wednesday, the last full day, was a trip to La Antigua. We saw the beautiful city, shopped, and had a great lunch. If we had been competing to see who spent the least amount of money, I would have won with $10 worth of merchandise. I haven't been in the mood to shop lately! I did buy a really cool little painting for next year's dorm room, but that was about it. We also had a blast that night at the youth group home bible studies. It was super easy to translate for my group since it was mostly Spanish to English and we played some fun games! I have posted some of those pictures on Facebook, so check them out!
On Woodland's last day, we went to an orphanage near Sumpango to play with the kids there for a few hours. They were all adorable and went crazy for all the candy that was brought to them. After this time, the team left for the airport and it was incredibly sad to say goodbye to the friends I had just made. Fortunately, most of them come up north during the summer, so I will get to hang with many of them then!
Today has been organizing my room, Skyping with family, having a "desamuerzo" (I invented this word; it combines desayuno and almuerzo, the Spanish words for breakfast and lunch), and watching movies. Monday will bring my routine back for a nice four weeks before I return home. These last few weeks were filled with fun, but they were also crazy, so I am glad to be able to rest and have my routine back for a while.
Thank you so much for the all your prayers! I can't believe how the time has flown by and I come home in a month! Please keep praying that God will continue to use me for His perfect and glorious purpose!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

El Obrajuelo, Woodlands, and God's Continued Love

Wow, it has been nearly three weeks since I have had time to blog! So much has happened in that time! God has been so faithful in blessing me and my work down here, and I couldn't be more grateful! Here is what has happened in my life in the last few weeks:
I have continued to go out to El Yalu and help the teachers. Sandra, Eluvia, and Wilma are the nicest women in the world. I feel so comfortable around them! I also love that they make me feel very useful whenever I am there. In some situations where you're supposed to be helping it's easy to feel like you're not doing anything, but not here! They are so loving, encouraging, and grateful at whatever I do. I love feeling like I can be useful; I can now understand over 90% of what they ask me to do!
I was in El Obrajuelo last week. It was a wonderful time with the group from Faith! The only part I didn't enjoy was the weather (the top that I recorded was 99 degrees Fahrenheit), but other than that, it was a great experience! The Lord used our team to build a bathroom in the pastor's house in the back of the church, hold a Vacation Bible School for 120 local children, and pioneer in home visits with the members of the church there. The home visits in particular were an experience for me because I got to officially translate for the first time! The members of my group were wonderful and patient, which helped me not be too nervous. We were able to share God's Word and love with the people there and it was amazing. It was also awesome for me to get a taste of home and a few things sent down to me by my wonderful mother. There was a tinge of jealously when the team left to go home, but it didn't last long. The Lord will not stop using me until I go home, and His work is not complete. Of that I am sure.
School has been wonderful. I continue to be so blessed by my children. The last two days I have been teaching them the parts of the body and they love the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." We must have sung it ten times in each class! I haven't gotten to be at school too much lately because I was in Obrajuelo last week and next week there is no school as it is Holy Week, but that will help me savor so much more the last four weeks I will have with them after break!
The team from Plover is arriving tomorrow. A group of 30 high schoolers is coming tomorrow to serve in Sumpango from Woodlands Church in Plover. I am going to be one of their translators, which I am excited about! Practice is a wonderful thing. I have been praying the last few days that I will be able to fit in with them since I will be around them the whole week. I hope I can make a few friends and be on the same level with them. They will be doing quite a few things with the youth of Los Olivos, including an all-night bonfire, a trip to a water park for baptisms, and youth home visits. I hope I can be useful to them!
Thank you so much again for all of your prayer. I am so grateful for all the opportunities God has given me to serve him and for all the places He reveals Himself to me! Please continue to pray that I would have love with His love, serve with His heart, and press on with His courage. Adios!


P.S. Happy Birthday, Bradford! Can't believe you're 17! Miss you so much!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fourth Week!

Following a wonderful weekend, this week has been great. On Saturday, we hosted a big dinner for two families: One was David, whom Rob has sponsored through Compassion since he was a child, and for Marta's family (Marta knows English because she lived in Wausau for two years, one of which with Rob. She was one of the translators for my team two years and I learned so much from her! It was so nice to see her again). It was a great time and I was able to practice my translating skills! Please pray that I will be ready to translate in ten days when the team from Faith gets down here!
On Sunday, we all (Chiquito's, Rob, Curt, me, and Marta) went to Antigua. Marta and I got to ride in the back of the pickup and we spoke Spanish the whole time! Antigua is gorgeous and as the most touristy place in Guatemala, there were a lot of Americans. It was super hot (around 85 degrees, which was made hotter to me because I was wearing jeans to ride in the back of the truck), but super fun! We watched amazing musicians (instruments such as the flute and ukulele) in the square,  walked around, shopped in the many amazing places they have, ate in a giant fast food restaurant called Pollo Campero (think fried chicken) and had ice cream.
We returned in time to make it to church at the Los Olivos soccer field; that particular Sunday it was about offering, so many people bought various food and things to donate that were then sold, with the money going back into Los Olivos. Rob and Oscar said a few words and Marta and I had such a fun time getting pictures from all different angles.
We came back and I said goodbye to Rob and Curt, as they left Monday while I was at school. School has been great this week; we have finished the alphabet and food, and today we started the family vocabulary! We're going to make family trees tomorrow. I can't make things too complicated in class, otherwise the kids won't get it. For instance, I tried to explain Bingo to my kids the other day, that they need a square with sixteen spaces (I drew it out for them) and I went around and there were many students with around one hundred squares in their notebooks. They eventually understood and they are asking me if we can play it every single day, but it took quite a bit of patience in the beginning!
I also started a new part of what I will be doing down here on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays: helping the three teachers from the church who go out to El Yalu for an after school tutoring program. I was told to wait at the gas station at the entrance of Sumpango where Sandra, one of the teachers, would meet me. But she didn't come. And didn't come. I was so scared! I didn't know what bus to take or I should take a bus and all that was going on in my head was Jesus, You are here, You are with me, You will come through. Eventually, someone came over with a cell phone with Sandra on the other end telling me (I think, I was too nervous to concentrate and actually understand all the Spanish) to go into the person's van where we went and picked the teachers up and were on our way! All three of them are so nice! I helped with kindergarten and first graders yesterday; I will alternate helping each teacher one day of the week. The children were so cute! I had so much fun sharing my love with them and doing what I could (or rather what I could understand) for the teacher. I am looking forward to making that a part of my routine for the next two months!
God is so good. I marvel at the things He has done for me and how small the return is that I can give, but I am doing the best I can! I am trying to love everyone and take every opportunity to serve. I have been praying that I can be ready to translate, and He has given me so many opportunities to practice my Spanish! Sandra said my Spanish was good yesterday, I appreciated her encouragement very much. I am learning to depend on God a lot too. Today, I was tired during school (it's very hard to control 35 second or third graders when you're tired) and so I said, as Isobel Kuhn said in the recent book I read about her and her missions in China, "If this be from God, I accept it, but if this be from Satan, I reject it." And more energy came to me!
Well, that is all for now, again, I thank everyone so much for your prayers! God is using me down here in really awesome ways, and I praise God that you're a part of it!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Friday.

Despite having a more difficult day at school today (something about Fridays and me trying to play games that don't work out so well), this week was good! I am continuing to learn how to find my way about Sumpango, I even ran an errand for Karla yesterday! I might find myself out and about this afternoon as well (after perhaps a nap) to look for a place that sells chocobananos (my new favorite snack).
Rob Weise and his friend Curt arrived yesterday and are here until Monday, so that's nice. Sometimes it's nice to get a break from speaking constant Spanish (which, may I point out here, is getting better) and talk in the good old language of English. But I really do enjoy speaking Spanish! It is becoming more and more natural to say something in Spanish rather than English. With that being said, I can't say I'm not nervous about having to translate in March for the team from Faith and another from Highland, but I am trusting that God will give me opportunities to practice and will help me be ready.
I am looking forward to what I think will be a restful weekend (but I could be wrong; I am not told everything that we are going to do which is fine); I will put my head right back up and start another week of school with my students! We will be finishing up the alphabet and accompanying foods.
Thank you so much for your prayer, it helps me so much!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feliz dia del Cariño!

I can't believe it's almost Friday again! Time has flown by! I can hardly believe I have been here almost two weeks. Teaching has been fun, I have been teaching my children the days of week, but we took a break today to make valentines (in English of course!). Most of the kids made them for their parents, but I received several too! I have many cute gifts and got so many hugs and kisses today; sometimes I am overwhelmed by the fact that these children can love me so much more than I can possibly love them. God has such unique ways of doing things, all in His perfect way. And I get to be a part of it!
We have an American team of four people from Minnesota staying with us this week, they are doing some sort of homemade jam venture. They are all very nice and I have gotten to do a little bit of translating for them since they don't speak very much Spanish. It has boosted my confidence a lot to be a bit useful with my (somewhat limited) Spanish ability. I am getting better, though! Practice, practice, practice.
Today was an accomplishment too; I took a little walk of Sumpango all by myself! I walked down to the market, past Oscar's parent's house, and I was able to find my way home! I was so proud that I didn't get lost of even step into panic mode the times when I didn't know exactly where I was. It's such a nice town, but it's tricky because there are only square blocks that look the same.
I talked to home today for the first time too! So nice to know how everyone is doing, I miss it, but not the cold. Yeah, I don't miss the cold at all. It is right around 80 degrees consistently here, and it's wonderful! I could (and am) getting used to this.
Since we have this team here, I think I will get to sleep in this weekend, which will be nice. Thanks for praying and Happy Valentines Day!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Things I have Learned This Week!

Alright, so I have been here just over a week and I have learned many things! So I decided for this post to write a list of what I now know.

I love this picture! Emily (Oscar's daughter) is on the right with her cousin Gaby! They are cuties.
  • I don't need my cell phone! I realized yesterday that I haven't thought about people texting or calling me in a week! A flood of relief came to me; I don't have to worry about people trying to reach me or getting mad at me when I don't answer for another eleven weeks! How nice is that.
  • Everyone here (or everyone that I have come in contact with) showers in the afternoon rather than the morning. It's interesting; it's as if the day doesn't start until the afternoon!
  • Family is incredibly important. This weekend we traveled four hours to Karla's parents' house to have a baby shower for Karla's sister, Mary. We went to great lengths to keep it a secret and Karla and I got up at 6:00 AM to decorate! It took us seven and a half hours in total but it was worth it to see the look on Mary's face when she walked in to sixty of her girl friends yelling, "Sorpresa!" I also learned during this process how clumsy I am. I tripped, dropped things, couldn't understand what people were saying, and was plain in the way at times. But I think I helped enough to make it worth it! 
  • How to dress in the traditional clothes of Guatemala. I wore a set of Amy's clothes to the baby shower and when Karla came up to ask if I was ready, I said I thought so, but when she came in, all I heard was, "No." I looked good when she was through with me!
  • Roosters do not crow only once. You know how in the movies, a rooster crowing symbolizes morning? Well, here they crow over and over. All morning. Forever. Over and over. Why thank you, yes, I know the day has begun.
  • How a bakery works. The baby shower took place in a bakery and while we were decorating, I got to watch the man make his bread and bake it in a big stone oven! Let me tell you, it smelled amazing. 
  • I can have a cold. I wouldn't have previously thought that I would be able to get a cold in a place where it's 80 degrees and no rain, but it's apparently possible, as I had one this weekend! Good thing I forgot to bring my cold medicine with me to Karla's parents' house. Maybe I'm allergic to something.
  • There are always 3 meals a day. I have had to learn this one the hard way several times this week. We got to Karla's parents around 8:00 and then I decided to take a shower. I had a little snack of my own, thinking that we weren't going to eat dinner that night. I come out, and hear it's time for a dinner of steak, beans, and bread. Similarly, the next morning, when Karla and I were decorating early, her sister heated up some pizza for me. I thought it was odd to eat pizza for breakfast but I was hungry, so I ate it. An hour later, omelets and bread were served. I suppose it would be possibly to avoid these kind of things happening if I knew the language better! But people talk darn fast. 
  • God will make me well. The way there through the mountains was absolutely breathtaking, but not without its winding up and down and speed bumps everywhere. The first about half of the trip, I couldn't sleep and I was afraid I was going to be sick with all the winding and bumps. I cried out to Jesus and he allowed me to sleep and my sickness to go away! I sat there for a good miserable hour before I realized, Duh! I have a God who can heal me.  And heal me He did. 
So that's what I'm up to this weekend.
I begin another week of teaching tomorrow! I am going to teach my students the alphabet.
 Thank you for your prayers and please don't stop!
